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Dieses Projekt steht schon seit dem 07.10.21 zum Verkauf.

Job Search & Marketplace Platform for Remote Workers and Freelancers

Job Search & Marketplace Platform for Remote Workers and Freelancers


Projekt-Typ: Marktplatz, Content
Einnahmequelle: Abonnement
The project called Jobmofy is a platform on the Internet on which companies worldwide can place employee requests. Conversely, people around the world can also apply for these job offers. We also offer a marketplace for services. The offer is fundamentally interesting for all companies and working people, but the main target group will be remote workers.To make it easier to imagine, here is an example:A German company is looking for a designer. Nowadays, they no longer have to sit in their own office, but can also work remotely in their home office. A German designer, as well as a designer from the Philippines, can of course apply here. In this way, the German company can build a team of remote workers who, thanks to the tools we provide, such as task management, can also be managed on our platform or who can work directly with each other on Jobmofy.com without anyone other tools, such as how to buy / rent a project management tool. You can find everything you need on our platform.One reason why I launched the platform is because I've been working with remote workers around the world for many years. Unfortunately, the existing platforms do not offer the possibility of direct daily collaboration, you still need additional tools. Above all, the protection of companies is important to me, so as not to get to dishonest workers and vice versa.That is why we work with a verification service, because there will only be verified users on our platform. This means there are no multiple accounts and no fakes. The costs for user ID verification by video are taken over by us as a platform.We started working on the project in May 2019. we had up to 18 team members working full-time with me on the platform and also creating extraordinary social media marketing strategies and content. Companies can register with us with monthly packages to place job requests. In addition, workers / freelancers can also register with monthly packages to be able to offer their services (such as logo design) on the marketplace.There will be an agency fee for all marketplace transactions, which will go to us as the operator.
Also we offer a recruiting service as an extra service for companies.Since October 2019, the “Jobmofy” brand has been registered as a trademark with the German Patent Office, which has been registered since January 2020. We will expanded the trademark protection as an EU, PH, RU, CN, CH and US trademark.Jobmofy is a 100% self-financed project. There are no sponsors, investors or lenders.
Quick Overview:
Launched in September 2020.24.000+ registered Users
~23.000 Talents~ 700 Companies
1600+ ID verified Users
550+ Listed Services on the Market Place
Official Brand Registry in Germany, EU, USA, Philippines, Switzerland, China, Russia
Jobmofy.com / .de / .biz / .eu / .net / .nl / .org / .work / .net 
Hostes on AWS.
Third Party Providers: Mailgun, Idenfy
Everything in this project is developed and designed from scratch. we have a time tracking, a task management, an invoicing and a daily reporting tool included. 
Social Media Channels:
youtube / Instagram / Facebook /LinkedIn
At the moment there is no real revenue from the platform. We hat tons of users, but the job is to aquire and then care about the companies on the platform. 

In addition to Jobmofy you will get a side project which is called Jobmofy Magazine.
Its a printed Magazine we started to sell Ads and generate some additional income. We produced 4 Issues in the past year.

Why do i sell this project?
the honest answer is, that i´ve started this project with a great vision, but i have a family and an ecommerce store. i realize now, that i will not be able to put my focus on it and also i´m not able to finance this by myself. a few thousand euros per month is just not enough to get a platform like this running. 
we have prepared thousands of social media graphics, comics and stuff. and i spend thousands of hours myself in this project. but i need to focus on my running business, the ecommerce store, to scale it bigger. 
if you buy this project you will get a high quality base to make it big. everything is already there. i can connect you also with the remote working team, if you want to take them with you. 
Please contact me only if you really have the money for this project. it can make you a billionaire, but it will cost you 7 figures including the marketing etc. i´ve spend more than 2.5 years of my life with all my heart into this project, i want to make sure the buyer has the money and the experience to make it big.

Fragen an den Verkäufer

Bitte posten Sie hier nur allgemeine Fragen, die der Verkäufer auch öffentlich beantworten kann. Für andere Fragen schicken Sie dem Verkäufer am besten eine persönliche Nachricht.

Nachricht schreiben

Die Registrierte Use sind aber anscheinend nicht alle aktive, denn sonst wäre der Umsatz höher gewesen. Wenn ich ein 100K einer Agentur gebe, dann programmierte die Agentur mir auch eine Plattform. Wie rechtfertigst du denn den Preis von 250K?


Wenn du denkst, dass du eine Plattform mit all unseren Features und Inhalten für 100k bekommst, dann wünsche ich dir viel Glück dabei. :-) Realistisch ist ein Preis von 600-900k, wenn du mit einer deutschen Agentur zusammenarbeitest.
Man merkt, dass du scheinbar keine Ahnung im Saas Bereich hast. 100.000 € / 150€ Stundenlohn = 667 Stunden
Das umgerechnet wären rund 4 Monate mit nur einem Programmierer. Wir haben rund 2 Jahre mit 4 Programmierern und einem UX Designer gearbeitet. Zu allen Features gibt es Jobmofy Magazine, es gibt tausende Social Media Grafiken die vorbereitet sind, es gibt Cartoongrafiken, die per Hand gezeichnet wurde, zig Videos, es gibt Markeneintragungen in etlichen Ländern und und und.
Aber ist kein Problem, wir müssen das nicht ausdiskutieren. Geh bitte gerne zu einer Agentur und schau, was du für 100k bekommst.
Herzliche Grüße.


Pro Monat, pro Jahr oder insgesamt?


Dieses Jahr, wobei das Projekt nicht auf den Umsatz reduziert werden darf, da es von mir nie voll, sondern immer nur nebenbei betrieben wurde. Deshalb verkaufe ich es ja.. Es wurde alles vom Scratch Programmiert und Designed. Wir haben 2 Jahre daran gearbeitet, 24.000 registrierte User, Markenregistrierungen in vielen Ländern, etc.


Gibt es schon Umsätze und wenn ja, wie hoch sind die?


Wir haben durch Vermittlungsservice rund 17.000 € Umsatz gemacht.


Sie sind nicht eingeloggt.

Verkäufer: benschneider
Eingestellt am:07.10.2021
Verkäufer zuletzt aktiv:letztes Jahr


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